Tommy Washer | 05.07.2011 |
I am sorry for the Habsburg family's loss. Dr. Habsburg was a peacemaker, and he will be missed. "Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall inherit the earth..." |
Henry J.Orloff | 05.07.2011 |
Ein ehrenhafter Mann fuer Frieden und Menschenverstaendnis. Ein politischer Zauberer!Sein einzigartiger Geist soll in der lieben Familie weiterleben! |
Rainer Fadinger | 05.07.2011 |
To be a great European, one must not deny history. Otto of Habsburg was the connecting link between history and the future, an honest political broker, a distinct visionary, yet deeply rooted in a historical tradition that is indispensable for the future. Europe has lost one of his greatest. |
Tejasvi Jain | 05.07.2011 |
Heartfelt sympathies and prayers with the Royals and Austrian and Hungarian countrymen. |
Blayne Riley | 05.07.2011 |
A true peacemaker, may he rest in peace. My condolences to the family of this great man who was so kind in returning my letters. He and the Habsburg family are in my prayers. God love you Highness, you will be missed. Pray for us. A.E.I.O.U! |
Benjamin Charran | 05.07.2011 |
The peace makers are called the sons of God. Dr. Otto von Habsburg will see his Fathers face. May his soul rest in peace in the arms of his Saviour. My condolences to the family of true royalty. |
dominic rivera | 05.07.2011 |
Rest in peace your Royal Imperial Highness, we have lost a True King who fought for peace and unity a real model for the leaders of the world to follow. My condolences to the family. Long Live House Habsburg!! |
Prof. Russell E. Martin | 05.07.2011 |
Memory Eternal! May God receive you into His Kingdom as the king and emperor you truly were. |
gwendolyn maddy | 05.07.2011 |
I had the great pleasure of knowing Peque Habsburg at the University of Michigan, daughter of a great international pianist. Peque's lovely personality and graciousness let me know what a special family you all are. Bless you with great hearts for all humanity and that your leadership will be felt w |
Victor H. Arenas Ortega Carrillo de Albornoz | 05.07.2011 |
May the good works HIRH did while with us on earth, bring him swiftly to the Gates of Heaven, where Christ himself will be waiting to welcome him with open arms. May those who remain be at peace knowing his love will always live on. |
Irah Arbois | 05.07.2011 |
Rest in Peace with your dear wife. |
Timo Johnson | 05.07.2011 |
The World is a dimmer place HIRH Otto. My condolences to your family and all those who still hold our Empire and Kingdom dear. |
Luis Wetzler von Plankenstern | 05.07.2011 |
No words, I am praying for one of the greatest statemen in Europe. Our last Kaiser und König de Jure. He struggled against all totalitarian states and was an example of a great man. God save him and bless him in heaven. |
Pierre du Lac | 05.07.2011 |
He was a truly great man. May he forever rest in peace. |
alfredo P. acreo Jr | 05.07.2011 |
my condolences to all the family of Dr. Hotto von Habsburg, He will rst now in peace with his Creator, but his great memories will remain forever. |
Gonzalo Jaramillo-Rodas | 05.07.2011 |
A great man and a Patriot. God bless him and his posterity. Gonzalo Jaramillo-Rodas |
Catherine Carter | 05.07.2011 |
Dear Family of His Royal Highness; My Great Grandmother was Rozina Schoenhoffer who married Joseph Mayercsck. I have a photo of Mr. Habsburg from when he was about 8 years old. I think my Grandmother was Mr. Habsburgs cousin. I have tried to contact you concerning all in past, but to no avail. I think the photo of Mr. Habsburg should be with you. Please advise. Thank you. |
Konrad Mayer | 05.07.2011 |
My condolences. May he rest in peace. |
WOLFGANG FLIEDL | 05.07.2011 |
Wenige machten mehr für Europa. Er möge in Frieden ruhen. |
Arno Tippow | 05.07.2011 |
Wir beten in tiefer Trauer zu Gott. Otto von Österreich war ohne Zweifel einer der großen Propheten des Jahrhunderts. |
Catherine | 05.07.2011 |
Rest in Peace, Sir. My Grandmother, your cousin, has been waiting at the Gates of Heaven for you. I am certain you are laughing a drinking tea together now. |
Fabian V. Corona | 05.07.2011 |
My deepest condolences to the Family. May His Imperial and Royal Highness rest in peace. |
Barbara Dobrik Goldberg | 05.07.2011 |
A great man. May His SRIH rest in peace; a peace he may not have seen in his lifetime, but one to which he dedicated his life seeking, during a time when the world was in chaos. |
Mauro Montanari | 05.07.2011 |
Caro Imperatore ci mancherà. Da lassù non ci abbandoni ma ci guidi per il ritorno a un'Europa più giusta e unita. Sentite Condoglianze alla Faniglia. Dall'Emilia-Romagna |
Mark Nuckols | 05.07.2011 |
As an American who lived in Slovakia in the 1990s, I deeply appreciate his life's aim: restoring a Christian Europe of freedom and respect for the dignity of all, regardless of nationality. May he smile upon us from Heaven as we resolve to continue his good work. |
Lawrence O'Connor | 05.07.2011 |
The world has lost a brilliant warrior for peace. Europe has lost one of its greatest 20th century cultural champions. Every student of Europe, of the world must pause to remember this wonderful giant. The shining city upon the hill has gained a new citizen. |
Morgan Hinton | 05.07.2011 |
It wouldn't be the same without HIRH Otto von Habsburg! I will treasure the letters I got from him. I am thinking about observing July 4th as a rememberance day of this great man! |
Joshua Katz | 05.07.2011 |
History provides us with few truly great men, and politics with almost none. Yet, there was this man! He saved many from Hitler and Stalin, and could have offered the world so much more. With him, we lost our connection to an era, and the last of a regal line. We lost a fighter for freedom. |
Austrian in Heart | 05.07.2011 |
I am a 4th gener. native of Jerusalem, and my great-gr.-grandfather emigrated Hung. in the 1870's. Hence, & as the Emperor was also King of Jerus., I have always considered him my Emperor. Let's hope Emp. Karl take back his throne and bring back stolen Südtirol, Marburg and South Bohemia & Moravia. |
Stefan Babler | 05.07.2011 |
Dieser Mann hat das 20. Jahrhundert entscheidend geprägt. Es ist bemerkenswert und bewundernswert, was dieser Mann für Europa selbst und die europäische Einigkeit geleistet hat. Wir werden ihn nie vergessen, er wird auf ewig unser Erzherzog sein. |
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